太陽能相關規范整理 項目 標準號 標準名稱 1 GB 11011-89 非晶硅太陽能電池性能測試的一般規定 2 GB 12632-90 單晶硅太陽能電池總規范 3 GB/T 12936.2-1991 太陽能熱利用術語第二部分(Solar energy—Thermal applications—Terminology part 2) 4 GB/T 12936.1-1991 太陽能熱利用術語第一部分(Solar energy—Thermal applications—Terminology part 1) 5 GB/T 13877.3-2003 農林拖拉機和自走式機械封閉駕駛室第3部分: 太陽能加熱系統效率的確定(Tractors and self-propelled machines for agriculture and forestry--Operator enclosure environment--Part 3: Determination of effect of solar heating) 6 GB/T 14007-92 陸地用太陽能電池組件總規范 7 GB/T 14008-92 海上用太陽能電池組件總規范 8 GB/T 14009-92 太陽能電池組件參數測量方法 9 GB/T 17683.1-1999 太陽能在地面不同接收條件下的太陽光譜輻照度標準第1部分大氣質量1.5的法向直接日射輻照度和半球向日射輻(Solar energy--Reference solar spectral irradiance at the ground at different receiving conditions--Part 1: Direct normal and hemispherical solar irradiance for air mass 1.5 ) 10 GB/T 18210-2000 晶體硅光伏(PV)方陣I-V特性的現場測量 11 GB/T 18479-2001 地面用光伏(PV)發電系統 概述和導則 12 GB/T 19064-2003 家用太陽能光伏電源系統技術條件和試驗方法(Solar home system specifications and test procedure) 13 GB/T 19813-2005 太陽能突起路標 14 GB 2297-89 太陽能光伏能源系統術語 15 GB 2296-2001 太陽能電池型號命名方法 16 GB/T 2680-1994 建筑玻璃可見光透射比、太陽光直接透射比、太陽能總透射比、紫外線透射比及有關窗玻璃參數的測定(Determination of light transmittance, solar direct transmittance, total solar energy transmittance and ultraviolet transmittance for glass in building and related glazing factors ) 17 GB 50364-2005 民用建筑太陽能熱水系統應用技術規范 18 GB/T 5137.4-2001 汽車安全玻璃太陽能透射比測定方法(Road vehicles--safety glazing materials--Method for the determination of solar transmittance) 19 GB 6497-1986 地面用太陽能電池標定的一般規定 20 GB 6495-86 地面用太陽能電池電性能測試方法 21 GB/T 6495.1-1996 光伏器件 第1部分光伏電流-電壓特性的測量; 22 GB/T 6495.2-1996 光伏器件 第2部分標準太陽能電池的要求; 23 GB/T 6495.3-1996 光伏器件 第3部分地面用光伏器件的測量原理及標準光譜輻照度數據; 24 GB/T 6495.4-1996 晶體硅光伏器件的I-V實測特性的溫度和輻照度修正方法 25 GB 9535-1998 陸地用太陽能電池組件環境試驗方法(IEC61215) 26 ANSI/ASTM E424-2002 片材的太陽能量傳輸性和反射性(陸地上)的試驗方法(Test Methods for Solar Energy Transmittance and Reflectance (Terrestrial) of Sheet Materials ) 27 ANSI/ASHRAE 96-1980 測定無釉平板液體型太陽能收集器的熱性能的試驗方法(Unglazed, Flat-Plate, Liquid-Type Solar Collectors, Methods of Testing to Determine Thermal Performance of) 28 ANSI/ASAE S 423-1993 太陽能環境加熱器的熱性能試驗(Thermal Performance Testing of Solar Ambient Air Heaters) 29 ANSI/ASHRAE 109-1986 測定含有沸液的平板太陽能收集器的熱性能的測試方法(Methods of Testing to Determine the Thermal Performance of Flat Plate Solar Collectors Containing a Boiling Liquid) 30 ANSI/ASHRAE 93-1986 測定太陽能采集器熱性能的試驗方法(Solar Collectors, Method of Testing to Determine the Thermal Performance of) 31 ASTM E 424-1971 簿板材料的太陽能傳播和反射的試驗方法(Test Methods for Solar Energy Transmittance and Reflectance (Terrestrial) of Sheet Materials) 32 ASTM E 823-1981 太陽能收集器非操作暴露和檢驗(Nonoperational Exposure and Inspection of a Solar Collector) 33 ASTM D 3832-1979 太陽能系統中同液體接觸的橡膠密封件規格(Rubber Seals Contacting Liquids in Solar Energy Systems) 34 ASTM E 745-1980 太陽能加熱和制冷系統中用傳熱液體的金屬容器材料的腐蝕模擬維護試驗(Simulated Service Testing for Corrosion of Metallic Containment Materials for Use with Heat-Transfer Fluids in Solar Heating and Cooling Systems) 35 ASTM E 712-1980 太陽能加熱和制冷系統中貯存液體用金屬容器材料的實驗室遮蔽(Laboratory Screening of Metallic Containment Materials for Use with Liquids in Solar Heating and Cooling Systems) 36 ASTM E 1175-1987 用大直經積分球測定材料的太陽能或光反射性,透明性和吸收性的試驗方法(Test Method for Determining Solar or Photopic Reflectance, Transmittance and Absorptance of Materials Using a Large Diameter Integrating Sphere) 37 ASTM E 1160-1987 太陽能家用熱水系統的現場檢查和操作驗證(On-Site Inspection and Verification of Operation of Solar Domestic Hot Water Systems) 38 ASTM E 1328-2003 與光電太陽能轉換相關的標準術語(Standard Terminology Relating to Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion) 39 ASTM D 3903-2003 太陽能系統的熱空氣傳遞用橡膠密封件的標準規范(Standard Specification for Rubber Seals Used in Air-Heat Transport of Solar Energy Systems) 40 ASTM D 3771-2003 聚集型太陽能加熱器用橡膠密封件的標準規范(Standard Specification for Rubber Seals Used in Concentrating Solar Collectors) 41 ASTM E 490a-2000 標準太陽能常數和氣團起始陽光能光譜輻照表(Standard Solar Constant and Zero Air Mass Solar Spectral Irradiance Tables) 42 ASTM E 782-1995 在模擬操作模式下暴露于自然氣候中的太陽能收集器覆蓋材料的標準實施規程(Standard Practice for Exposure of Cover Materials for Solar Collectors to Natural Weathering Under Conditions Simulating Operational Mode) 43 ASTM E 861-1994 太陽能收集器用絕熱材料評定的標準實施規程(Standard Practice for evalsuating Thermal Insulation Materials for Use in Solar Collectors) 44 ASTM E 881-1992 在模擬滯留模式下暴露于自然氣候下的太陽能收集器擋蓋材料的標準實施規程(Standard Practice for Exposure of Solar Collector Cover Materials to Natural Weathering Under Conditions Simulating Stagnation Mode) 45 ASTM E 822-1992 用發射冰球法測定太陽能收集器覆蓋材料對冰雹沖擊抗力的標準實施規程(Standard Practice for Determining Resistance of Solar Collector Covers to Hail by Impact With Propelled Ice Balls) 46 ASTM E 972-1996 用陽光對薄板材料的太陽能光度透設比的測試方法(Standard Test Method for Solar Photometric Transmittance of Sheet Materials Using Sunlight) 47 ASTM E 683-1991 一家和兩家住房用太陽能空間加熱系統的安裝和維護(Installation and Service of Solar Space Heating Systems for One- and Two-Family Dwellings) 48 ASTM E 904-1987 太陽能收集器用全天熱性能數據的形成(Generating All-Day Thermal Performance Data for Solar Collectors) 49 ASTM E 781-1986 暴露在有蓋板的太陽能收集器中模擬滯流的條件下太陽能內存材料的吸收性評定(evalsuating Absorptive Solar Receiver Materials When Exposed to Conditions Simulating Stagnation in Solar Collectors with Cover Plates) 50 ASTM E 905-1987 追蹤強化太陽能收集器熱性能的試驗方法(Test Method for Determining Thermal Performance of Tracking Concentrating Solar Collectors) 51 ASTM E 971-1988 材料對太陽能輻射的光度透射比及反射比計算的標準實施規程(Standard Practice for Calculation of Photometric Transmittance and Reflectance of Materials to Solar Radiation) 52 ASTM E 1089-1986 均勻的靜氣壓差下平板太陽能收集器的透水性的試驗方法(Test Method for Water Penetration of Flat Plate Solar Collectors by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference) 53 ASTM D 3667-1985 平板太陽能集熱器用橡膠密封件(Rubber Seals Used in Flat-Plate Solar Collectors) 54 ASTM E 1056-1985 一家和兩家住房用太陽能家用熱水設備的安裝和維護(Installation and Service of Solar Domestic Water Heating Systems for One- and Two-Family Dwellings) 55 ASTM E 772-1987 有關太陽能轉換的標準術語(Standard Terminology Relating to Solar Energy Conversion) 56 ASTM E 1084-1986 用陽光測試薄板材料的太陽能傳遞性(地面上)的試驗方法(Test Method for Solar Transmittance (Terrestrial) of Sheet Materials Using Sunlight) 57 ASTM E 744-1985 加熱設備用太陽能吸收材料的評定(evalsuating Solar Absorptive Materials for Thermal Applications) 58 ASTM D 3952-1987 太陽能系統用橡膠軟管(Rubber Hose Used in Solar Energy Systems) 59 BS DD ENV 12977-3-2001 太陽能系統和組件.客戶建立系統.太陽能加熱系統集熱箱性能特征(Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - Performance characterisation of stores for solar heating systems) 60 BS EN 12976-1-2001 太陽能熱系統和組件.工廠制造系統.一般要求(Thermal solar systems and components - Factory made systems - General requirements) 61 BS DD ENV 12977-2-2001 太陽能系統和組件.客戶建立系統.試驗方法(Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - Test methods) 62 BS DD ENV 12977-1-2001 太陽能系統和組件.客戶建立系統.一般要求(Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - General requirements) 63 BS EN 12975-2-2001 熱太陽能系統和組件.太陽能收集器.試驗方法(Thermal solar systems and components - Solar collectors - Test methods) 64 DD ENV 12977-3-2001 太陽熱能系統和組件.專用系統.太陽能加熱系統存儲的特性(Thermal solar systems and components. Custom built systems. Performance characterisation of stores for solar heating systems) 65 BS EN 12976-2-2001 太陽能熱系統和組件.工廠制造系統.試驗方法(Thermal solar systems and components - Factory made systems - Test methods) 66 BS EN ISO 9488-2000 太陽能.詞匯(Solar energy - Vocabulary) 67 BS EN 12975-1-2000 熱太陽能系統和組件.太陽能收集器.一般要求(Thermal solar systems and components - Solar collectors - General requirements) 72 BS ISO 14269-3-1998 農業和林業用拖拉機和自驅動機械.駕駛室環境.太陽能加熱效果測定(Tractors and self-propelled machines for agriculture and forestry - Operator enclosure environment - Determination of effect of solar heating) 73 NF P50-503-1985 太陽能收集器.光學性能測量方法(SOLAR ENERGY. SOLAR COLLECTORS. METHODS OF MEASUREMENT OF OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS.) 74 EN ISO 9488-1999 太陽能詞匯(Solar energy - Vocabulary)[ISO 9488:1999] 75 EN 12975-2-2001 太陽能系統及構件 太陽能收集器第2部分試驗方法(Thermal solar systems and components - Solar collectors - Part 2: Test methods ) 76 EN 12976-2-2000 太陽能系統及構件 工廠預制系統第2部分試驗方法(Thermal solar systems and components - Factory made systems - Part 2: Test methods ) 77 ENV 12977-2-2001 太陽能系統及構件 定制系統第2部分試驗方法(Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - Part 2: Test methods) 78 ENV 12977-3-2001 太陽能系統及構件 定制系統第3部分太陽能供暖系統用內存性能(Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - Part 3: Performance characterisation of storesfor solar heating systems) 79 ENV 12977-1-2001 太陽能系統及構件 定制系統第1部分一般要求(Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - Part 1: General requirements) 80 EN 12976-1-2000 太陽能系統及構件 工廠預制系統 第1部分一般要求(Thermal solar systems and components - Factory made systems - Part 1: General requirements) 81 prEN 50312-1-1999 光電系統家用太陽能裝置第1部分安全性測試要求及程序(Photovoltaic systems - Solar home systems - Part 1: Safety - Test requirements and procedures) 82 prEN 50313-2-1999 光電系統太陽能存儲體第2部分性能測試要求及程序(Photovoltaic systems - Solar modules - Part 2: Performance - Test requirements and procedures) 83 prEN 50313-1-1999 光電系統太陽能存儲體第1部分安全性測試要求及程序(Photovoltaic systems - Solar modules - Part 1: Safety - Test requirements and procedures ) 84 BS 5918-1989 家用熱水太陽能加熱系統的實用規程(Code of practice for solar heating systems for domestic hot water) 85 prEN 50312-2-1999 光電系統家用太陽能裝置第2部分性能測試要求及程序(Photovoltaic systems - Solar home systems - Part 2: Performance - Test requirements and procedures ) 86 EN 60904-2-1993+A1-1998 光伏器件第2部分基準太陽能電池的要求(Photovoltaic devices; part 2: requirements for reference solar cells)[IEC 60904-2:1989] 87 EN 12975-1-2000 太陽能系統及構件太陽能收集器 第1部分一般要求(Thermal solar systems and components - Solar collectors - Part 1: General requirements) 88 BS 6912-22.6-1996 土方機械安全.第22部分:操作者的密封環境.第6節:操作者用密封駕駛室太陽能加熱效果的測定(Safety of earth-moving machinery - Operator enclosure environment - Determination of the effect of solar heating on the operator enclosure) 89 BS EN 60904-6-1995 光電器件.太陽能模式參數要求(Photovoltaic devices - Requirements for reference solar modules) 90 BS 7431-1991 太陽能熱水器評定法.過濾器、連接管和配件用彈性材料(Method for assessing solar water heaters - Elastomeric materials for absorbers, connecting pipes and fittings) 91 BS EN 60904-2-1993 光電器件.第2部分:基準太陽能電池的要求(Photovoltaic devices - Requirements for reference solar cells) 92 BS EN 60904-3-1993 光電器件.第3部分:帶基準光譜輻照資料的地球光電太陽能器件的測量原理(Photovoltaic devices - Measurement principles for terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) solar devices with reference spectral irradiance data) 93 BS 5918-1989 家用熱水太陽能加熱系統的實用規程(Code of practice for solar heating systems for domestic hot water) 94 BS 6785-1986 游泳池用太陽能加熱裝置實用規程(Code of practice for solar heating systems for swimming pools) 95 DIN EN 60904-2-1995 光電器件.第2部分:基準太陽能電池的要求(Photovoltaic devices - Part 2: Requirements for reference solar cells (IEC 60904-2:1989); German version EN 60904-2:1993) 96 DIN EN 60904-6-1996 光電器件.第6部分:基準太陽能組件要求(Photovolatic devices - Part 6: Requirements for reference solar modules (IEC 60904-6:1994); German version EN 60904-6:1994) 97 DIN 4757-2-1980 帶有機載熱體的太陽能加熱裝置.對安全技術結構的要求(Solar heating plants operating on organic heat transfer media; Requirements relating to safe design and construction) 98 DIN 4757-4-1982 太陽能加熱裝置.太陽能聚熱器效率.熱量及壓降的測定(Solar heating plants; Solar collectors; Determination of efficiency, heat capacity and pressure drop) 99 DIN EN 60904-2/A1-1998 光電設備.第2部分:基準太陽能電池的要求.修改件1(Photovoltaic devices - Part 2: Requirements for reference solar cells; Amendment 1 (IEC 60904-2:1989/A1:1998); German version EN 60904-2:1993/A1:1998) 100 DIN EN ISO 9488-2001 太陽能.詞匯(Solar energy - Vocabulary (ISO 9488:1999); Trilingual version EN ISO 9488:1999) 101 DIN EN 60904-6/A1-1998 光電設備.第6部分:基準太陽能模件的要求.修改件1(Photovoltaic devices - Part 6: Requirements for reference solar modules; Amendment 1 (IEC 60904-6:1994/A1:1998); German version EN 60904-6:1994/A1:1998) 102 DIN V ENV 12977-1-2001 熱太陽能系統和部件.定制建筑系統.第1部分:一般要求(Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - Part 1: General requirements; German version ENV 12977-1:2001) 103 DIN V ENV 12977-2-2001 熱太陽能系統和部件.定制建筑系統.第2部分:試驗方法(Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - Part 2: Test methods; German version ENV 12977-2:2001) 104 DIN V ENV 12977-3-2001 熱太陽能系統和部件.定制建筑系統.第3部分:太陽能加熱系統存儲的性能(Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - Part 3: Performance characterisation of stores for solar heating systems; German version ENV 12977-3:2001) 105 DIN EN 60904-3-1995 光電器件.第3部分:帶基準光譜輻照資料的地球光電太陽能器件的測量原理(Photovoltaic devices - Part 3: Measurement principles for terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) solar devices with reference spectral irradiance data (IEC 60904-3:1989); German version EN 60904-3:1993) 106 DIN EN 12975-2-2002 熱太陽能系統和組件.太陽能集熱器.第2部分:試驗方法(包括勘誤AC:2002)(Thermal solar systems and components - Solar collectors - Part 2: Test methods (including corrigendum AC:2002); German version EN 12975-2:2001 + AC:2002) 107 IEC 60891 晶體硅光伏器件的I-V實測特性的溫度和輻照度修正方法[GB/T 6495.4-1996] 108 IEC 60904-1 光伏電流-電壓特性的測量(GB/T 6495.1-1996) 109 IEC 60904-2-1989 光電器件.第2部分:基準太陽能電池的要求(Photovoltaic devices; part 2: requirements for reference solar cells)IEC60904-2標準太陽電池的要求[GB/T 6495.2-1996] 110 IEC 60904-3-1989 地面用光伏器件的測量原理及標準光譜輻照度數據(Photovoltaic devices; part 3: measurement principles for terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) solar devices with reference spectral irradiance data)[GB/T 6495.3-1996] 111 IEC 60904-5-1993 用開路電壓法確定光伏(PV)器件的等效電池溫度(ECT) 112 IEC 60904-6-1994 光電器件.第6部分:標準太陽能量參數要求(Photovoltaic devices - Part 6: Requirements for reference solar modules) 113 IEC 60904-7-1998 光伏器件測量過程中引起的光譜失配誤差的計算 114 IEC 60904-8-1998 光伏器件光譜回應的測量 115 IEC 60904-9-1995 光電器件.第9部分:太陽能仿真器性能要求(Photovoltaic devices - Part 9: Solar simulator performance requirements) 116 IEC 60904-10-1998 線性測量方法 117 IEC 60904-6AMD 1-1998 光電器件.第6部分:標準太陽能量參數要求.第1次修訂(Photovoltaic devices - Part 6: Requirements for reference solar modules; Amendment 1) 118 IEC 60904-2AMD 1-1998 光電器件.第2部分:標準太陽能電池的要求.修訂件1(Photovoltaic devices - Part 2: Requirements for reference solar cells; Amendment 1) 119 IEC 61173-1992 光伏(PV)發電系統的過壓保護導則 120 IEC 61194-1992 獨立光伏系統的特性參數 121 IEC 61646-1996 地面用薄膜型光伏組件設計鑒定和定型 122 IEC 61683-1999 光伏系統功率調節器效率測量步驟 123 IEC 61215-1993 地面用晶體硅光伏組件--設計鑒定和定型 124 IEC 61277-1995 地面用光伏(PV)發電系統--概述及導則 125 IEC 61345-1998 光伏組件的紫外試驗 126 IEC 61701-1995 光伏組件的鹽霧腐蝕試驗 127 IEC 61702-1995 直接耦合光伏揚水系統的評估 128 IEC 61721-1995 光伏組件對意外碰撞的承受能力 129 IEC 61724-1998 光伏系統性能監測測量、數據交換以及分析導則 130 IEC 61725-1997 日太陽輻射分析表達式 131 IEC 61727-1995 光伏系統電網接口的特性 132 IEC 61730-1 光伏系統安全鑒定-第一部分結構要求 133 IEC 61730-2 光伏系統安全鑒定-第二部分測試要求 134 IEC 61829-1995 晶體硅光伏方陣I-V特性的實地測量 134 IEC 61836-1997 太陽光伏能源術語和符號 135 IEC 61853 地面光伏組件性能測試和能量額定 136 IEC 62093 BOS部件-環境可靠性試驗-設計鑒定和定型 137 IEC 62108 聚光光伏接收器和組件-設計鑒定和定型 138 IEC 62109 用于光伏電源系統的靜態逆變器和充電控制器的電安全 139 IEC 62111-1999 在偏遠地區分散電氣化中可重復使用的能源使用規范 140 IEC 62116 試驗步驟-并網光伏發電系統功率調節器的隔離保護測量 141 IEC 62124 獨立光伏系統-設計檢驗 142 IEC 62145 單晶硅地面組件-空白詳細規范 143 IEC 62234 附設于建筑物與電網接駁光伏系統安全指引 144 IEC 62253 直接藕合光伏揚水系統-設計鑒定和定型申請 145 IEC 62257-1 偏遠地區電氣化的小型再生能源系統和混合系統的建議-偏遠地區電氣化概述 146 IEC 62257-2 偏遠地區電氣化的小型再生能源系統和混合系統的建議-對電氣系統分布的要求 147 IEC 62257-3 遠地區電氣化的小型再生能源系統和混合系統的建議-發展計劃和管理 148 IEC 60904-4 標準光伏器件校準程序 149 IEEE 1262-1995 光伏組件的測試認證規范 150 ISO 9845-1-1992 太陽能.地面不同接收條件下標準太陽光譜輻射.第1部分:空氣質量1.5直接垂直標準和半球狀太陽輻射(Solar energy; reference solar spectral irradiance at the ground at different receiving conditions; part 1: direct normal and hemispherical solar irradiance for air mass 1,5) 151 ISO 9806-1-1994 太陽能器的試驗方法.第1部分:熱性能及壓降的測定(Test methods for solar collectors - Part 1: Thermal performance of glazed liquid heating collectors including pressure drop) 152 ISO 9806-3-1995 太陽能器的試驗方法.第3部分:無光液體集熱器熱性能包括壓力降(Test methods for solar collectors - Part 3: Thermal performance of unglazed liquid heating collectors (sensible heat transfer only) including pressure drop) 153 ISO 9553-1997 太陽能.連接器用預制橡膠密封劑和密封結合物的試驗方法(Solar energy - Methods of testing preformed rubber seals and sealing compounds used in collectors) 154 ISO 9050-2003 建筑玻璃.光透率、日光直射率、太陽能總透射率及紫外線透射率及有關光澤系數的測定(Glass in building - Determination of light transmittance, solar direct transmittance, total solar energy transmittance, ultraviolet transmittance and related glazing factors) 155 ISO 9059-1990 太陽能.與基準太陽熱量計比對野外太陽熱量計(Solar energy; calibration of field pyrheliometers by comparison to a reference pyrheliometer) 156 ISO 9459-1-1993 太陽能供暖.家庭水暖系統.第1部分:使用室內試驗法的性能評定程序(Solar heating; domestic water heating systems; part 1: performance rating procedure using indoor test methods) 157 ISO 9060-1990 太陽能.對半球面太陽能輻射和太陽直接輻射測量儀的分類和規范(Solar energy; specification and classification of instruments for measuring hemispherical solar and direct solar radiation) 158 ISO/TR 9901-1990 太陽能.野外日射強度計.使用推薦實用規范(Solar energy; field pyranometers; recommended practice for use) 159 ISO 9459-3-1997 太陽能供暖.家庭水暖系統.第3部分:太陽能補充系統的性能測試(Solar heating - Domestic water heating systems - Part 3: Performance test for solar plus supplementary systems) 170 ISO 9808-1990 太陽能熱水器.吸收器用橡膠材料.連接管與配件.評審方法(Solar water heaters; elastomeric materials for absorbers, connecting pipes and fittings; method of assessment) 171 ISO 14269-3-1997 農業和林業用拖拉機和自驅動機械.操作室環境.第3部分:太陽能加熱效果測定(Tractors and self-propelled machines for agriculture and forestry - Operator enclosure environment - Part 3: Determination of effect of solar heating) 172 ISO/TR 10217-1989 太陽能.水加熱設備.與內部腐蝕相關的材料選擇指南(Solar energy; water heating systems; guide to material selection with regard to internal corrosion) 173 ISO 9488-1999 太陽能.詞匯(Solar energy - Vocabulary) 174 ISO/TR 12596 太陽能加熱.游泳池加熱系統.尺寸、設計和安裝導則.技術勘誤表1 (Solar heating - Swimming-pool heating systems - Dimensions, design and installation guidelines; Technical Corrigendum 1) 175 ISO 9847-1992 準野外日射強度計(Solar energy; calibration of field pyranometers by comparison to a reference pyranometer) 176 ISO/TR 12596-1995 太陽能加熱.游泳池加熱系統.尺寸、設計和安裝規則(Solar heating - Swimming-pool heating systems - Dimensions, design and installation guidelines) 177 JIS A1425-2000 太陽能聚集器的熱性能試驗方法(Test method of thermal performance for solar collectors) 178 JIS A1426-1995 太陽能蓄熱槽的蓄熱性能試驗方法(TEST METHOD OF THERMAL PERFORMANCE FOR SOLAR STORAGE TANKS) 179 JIS R3221-2002 太陽能反射玻璃(Solar reflective glass) 180 JIS A4111-1997 住宅用太陽能熱水器(Solar water heater for dwellings) 181 JIS A4112-1995 太陽能收集器(Solar collectors) 182 JIS A4113-1995 太陽能儲熱槽(SOLAR STORAGE TANKS) 183 JIS C8905-1993 獨立型太陽能發電通則 184 JIS C8906-1993 太陽能發電運轉特性測定方式 185 JIS C8910-2001 原基準太陽能電池(Primary reference solar cells) 186 JIS C8910 ERRATUM 1-2002 原基準太陽能電池[勘誤1](Primary reference solar cells (Erratum 1)) 187 JIS C8911-1998 二次標準晶系太陽能電池(Secondary reference crystalline solar cells) 188 JIS C8912-1998 晶系太陽能電池和模型的太陽仿真器(Solar simulators for crystalline solar cells and modules) 189 JIS C8913-1998 晶系太陽能電池容器輸出功率測定方法(Measuring method of output power for crystalline solar cells) 190 JIS C8914-1998 晶系太陽能PV模型的輸出功率的測量方法(Measuring method of output power for crystalline solar PV modules) 191 JIS C8915-1998 晶系太陽能電池和模型的波譜反應的測量方法(Measuring methods of spectral response for crystalline solar cells and modules) 192 JIS C8916-1998 晶系太陽能電池和模型的輸出電壓和輸出電流溫度系數的測量方法(Temperature coefficient measuring methods of output voltage and output current for crystalline solar cells and modules) 193 JIS C8917-1998 結晶系太陽能PV模型的環境試驗方法及耐久性試驗方法(Environmental and endurance test methods for crystalline solar PV modules) 194 JIS C8918-1998 結晶系太陽能PV模型(Crystalline solar PV module) 195 JIS C8919-1995 晶體太陽能電池及模件輸出功率的室外測量方法(Outdoor measuring method of output power for crystalline solar cells and modules) 196 JIS C8931-1995 副標準非晶體太陽能電池(Secondary reference amorphous solar cells) 197 JIS C8932-1995 副標準非晶體太陽能次模件(Secondary reference amorphous solar submodules) 198 JIS C8933-1995 非晶體太陽能電池和模件用太陽能模擬裝置(Solar simulators for amorphous solar cells and modules) 199 JIS C8934-1995 非晶體太陽能電池輸出功率的測量方法(Measuring method of output power for amorphous solar cells) 200 JIS C8935-1995 非晶體太陽能模件輸出功率的測量方法(Measuring method of output power for amorphous solar modules) 201 JIS C8936-1995 非晶體太陽能電池和模件的光譜反應測量方法(Measuring methods of spectral response for amorphous solar cells and modules) 202 JIS C8937-1995 非晶體太陽能電池和模件的輸出功率和輸出電流的溫差系數測量方法(Temperature coefficient measuring methods of output voltage and output current for amorphous solar cells and modules) 203 JIS C8938-1995 非晶體太陽能電池模件環境和耐久性試驗方法(Environmental and endurance test methods for amorphous solar cell modules) 204 JIS C8939-1995 非晶體太陽能PV模件(Amorphous solar PV modules) 205 JIS C8940-1995 非晶體太陽能電池和模件的輸出功率的室外測量方法(Outdoor measuring method of output power for amorphous solar cells and modules) 206 JIS C8951-1996 太陽能模塊通則 207 JIS C8952-1996 太陽能模塊表示方式 208 JIS C8953-1993 太陽能模塊輸出測定方式 209 JIS C8960-1997 太陽能模塊用語 300 JIS C8961-1993 太陽能發電用效率測定方式 301 JIS C8962-1997 小出力太陽能發電用測定方法 302 JIS C8971-1993 太陽能發電用鉛蓄電池的殘存容量測定方式 303 JIS C8972-1997 太陽能發電長時間鉛蓄電池的測定方式 304 NF P50-530-2-2003 熱太陽能系統和組件.太陽能集熱器.第2部分:試驗方法(Thermal solar systems and components - Solar collectors - Part 2 : test methods.) 305 NF C57-326-1996 光電器件.第6部分:基準太陽能模數的要求(Photovoltaic devices. Part 6 : requirements for reference solar modules.) 306 NF C57-323-1994 光電設備.第3部分:帶有光譜輻照度數據參考的光電太陽能設備的測量原則(Photovoltaic devices. Part 3 : measurement principles for terrestrial photovoltaic (pv) solar devices with reference spectral irradiance data.) 307 NF C57-322-1994 光電器件.第2部分:基準太陽能電池的要求(Photovoltaic devices. Part 2 : requirements for reference solar cells.) 308 NF P50-601-1/A1-1998 DTU 65.12.建筑工程.用于家用熱水?生和供暖的使用熱傳輸液體的平面太陽能收集器.第1部分:技術規范(DTU 65.12 - Building works - Plain solar collector installations using heat transfer liquid, used for heating and the production of domestic hot water - Part 1 : technical specifications.) 309 NF P50-601-1/A2-2000 DTU 65.12.建筑工程.用于家用熱水?生和供暖的使用熱傳輸液體的平面太陽能收集器.第1部分:技術規范(DTU 65.12 - Building works - Plain solar collector installations using heat transfer liquid, used for heating and the production of domestic hot water - Part 1 : technical specifications.) 310 NF U03-025-3-2001 農業和林業用拖拉機和自驅動機械.駕駛室環境.第3部分:太陽能加熱效果測定(Tractors and self-propelled machines for agriculture and forestry - Operator enclosure environment - Part 3 : determination of effect of solar heating.) 311 NF C57-100-1986 太陽能電能直接轉換.陸地使用的光電系數.一般標準(Direct transformation of solar energy into electrical energy. Terrestrial photovoltaic modules.) 312 NF P50-503-1985 太陽能收集器.光學性能測量方法(SOLAR ENERGY. SOLAR COLLECTORS. METHODS OF MEASUREMENT OF OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS.) 313 NF P50-530-1-2001 熱太陽能系統和組件.太陽能收集器.第1部分:一般要求(Thermal solar systems and components - Solar collectors - Part 1 : general requirements.) 314 NF P50-103-1988 太陽能.有液體截熱劑的熱水球狀容器.詞匯(SOLAR ENERGY. HOT WATER TANKS HEATED BY HEAT TRANSFER FLUIDS. VOCABULARY.) 315 NF P50-102-1983 太陽能.詞匯.第2部分.熱轉換太陽能收集器(SOLAR ENERGY. VOCABULARY. PART 2. SOLAR COLLECTORS FOR HEAT CONVERSION.) 316 NF P50-101-1983 太陽能.詞匯.第1部分:綜合(SOLAR ENERGY. VOCABULARY. PART 1. GENERALS.) 317 NF P50-601-2-1993 DTU 65-12.建筑工程.私人合同.家庭取暖及家用熱水生?用普通液體傳熱太陽能收集設備.第2部分:特別條款(DTU 65-12. BUILDING WORKS. PRIVATE CONTRACTS. PLAIN SOLAR COLLECTOR INSTALLATIONS USING HEAT TRANSFER LIQUID, USED FOR HEATING AND THE PRODUCTION OF DOMESTIC HOT WATER. PART 2 : SPECIAL CLAUSES.) 318 NF P50-510-1985 太陽能.液體循環太陽能收集器.老化過程(SOLAR ENERGY. SOLAR COLLECTORS USING HEAT TRANSFER LIQUID. AGEING PROCESS.) 319 NF C57-310-1988 太陽能電能直接轉換.光伏特泵裝置.預見特性(DIRECT TRANSFORMATION OF SOLAR ENERGY INTO ELECTRICAL ENERGY. PHOTOVOLTAIC PUMPING SYSTEM. PREDICTED CHARACTERISTICS.) 320 NF C57-103-1986 太陽能電能直接轉換.溫帶上陸地使用的光電系數.中等標準(DIRECT TRANSFORMATION OF SOLAR ENERGY INTO ELECTRICAL ENERGY. TERRESTRIAL PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES IN TEMPERATE AREA. INTERMEDIATE STANDARD.) 321 NF C57-102-1986 太陽能電能直接轉換.熱帶區上陸地使用的光電系數.中等標準(DIRECT TRANSFORMATION OF SOLAR ENERGY INTO ELECTRICAL ENERGY. TERRESTRIAL PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES IN TROPICAL ENVIRONMENT. INTERMEDIATE STANDARD.) 322 NF P50-301-1988 太陽能.太陽能球狀熱水器.熱效能測定(SOLAR ENERGY. SOLAR HOT WATER TANKS. MEASUREMENT OF THERMAL PERFORMANCES.) 323 NF C57-101-1986 太陽能電能直接轉換.赤道上陸地使用的光電系數.中等標準(DIRECT TRANSFORMATION OF SOLAR ENERGY INTO ELECTRICAL ENERGY. TERRESTRIAL PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES IN EQUATORIAL ENVIRONMENT. INTERMEDIATE STANDARD.) 324 PWI 82-1 光伏電力蓄存系統 325 SJ/T11127-1997 光伏(PV)發電系統過電壓保護—導則 326 UL 482-1999 攜帶型熱太陽能燈(Portable sun/heat lamps ) 327 UL 1703
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