  檔案名稱:  IEC 60811-2-1
  公司名稱:  北京向日葵视频色版免费观看完儀器有限公司
  下載次數:   1188
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IEC  60811-2-1標準簡介

IEC  60811-2-1是關于《電纜和光纜的絕緣和護套材料的通用試驗方法 第2-1部分》,由國際標準技術委員會20:電線電纜,該版本在原先IEC  60811第二版(1998)的基礎上修訂。

IEC  60811-2-1是關于用于配電光電纜和電信電纜,絕緣聚合物和護套材料的試驗方法,包括在船舶和海上應用中使用的電纜。


IEC  60811-2-1英文原文摘錄


1.1 Scope

This standard specifies the test methods to be used for testing polymeric insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables for power distribution and telecommunications, including cables used on ships and in offshore applications.

This standard gives the methods for the ozone resistance test, hot set test and mineral oil immersion test, which apply to elastomeric compounds.

1.2 Normative references

The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text,constitute provisions of this part of IEC 60811. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All normative documents are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this part of IEC 60811 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.

IEC 60811-1-1:1993, Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables – Part 1: Methods for general application – Section 1: Measurement of thickness and overall dimensions – Tests for determining the mechanical properties

IEC 60811-1-2:1985, Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables – Part 1: Methods for general application – Section Two: Thermal ageing methods

ISO 1817:1999, Rubber, vulcanized – Determination of the effect of liquids

2 Test values

Full test conditions (such as temperatures, durations, etc.) and full test requirements are not specified in this standard; it is intended that they should be specified by the standard dealing with the relevant type of cable.

Any test requirements which are given in this standard may be modified by the relevant cable standard to suit the needs of a particular type of cable.
