ISO 12870-2016是关于《眼科光学 - 眼镜架 - 要求和试验方法》,标准发布于2016年11月份。
ISO 12870-2016标准详细列明了各种装配镜片用眼镜架的基本要求。这个标准适用于所有框架眼镜包括无框镜架、半框镜架及折叠眼镜框架,这个标准也同样适用于普通的有机材料眼镜架。但是,不适用于定做的眼镜架及个人防护眼镜架。
ISO 12870:2016 specifies fundamental requirements for unglazed spectacle frames designed for use with all prescription lenses. It is applicable to frames at the point of sale by the manufacturer or supplier to the retailer.
This International Standard is applicable to all spectacle frame types, including rimless mounts, semi-rimless mounts and folding spectacle frames. It is also applicable to spectacle frames made from natural organic materials.
NOTE See Annex A for recommendations on the design of spectacle frames.
ISO 12870:2016 is not applicable to complete custom-made spectacle frames or to products designed specifically to provide personal eye protection.
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